Purpose- built pin punch
Featuring the pin punch for popping out trigger assemblies while afield should a gun jam up and needs to be quickly remedied while hunting. This is a favorite among guides!

Chisel tip dispatcher
Using the unique chisel tip on the T2, you can punch through ANY part of the bird skull, not just the soft spot in the back. This allows for fast and clean kills should you have trouble locating brain cavity from the back of the skull

New features for upland hunters
The "P" measurement area is for aging rooster pheasants. Measuring from the outside of the leg bone, through the leg bone, to the tip of the spur: if longer than 3/4"- rooster is mature. If shorter than 3/4"- rooster is a juvenile. This is a great feature for conservation-driven hunters who assess survival rates of juvenile birds.
The "W" area is for sexing woodcock. If the bill is the same length or longer than the measurement line, the bird is female. If shorter than the line, it's male.